OK, it’s July 5th, 2013 and the year is in full swing. In fact, it is a perfect time for you to go out and play, swing on a swing, put your toes in the sand and laugh.
As women, we don’t do enough playing. For some of us, we try to derive our pleasures from our work since we have limited possibilities to draw from it in other places. For others of us, our responsibilities to others have taken over every waking hour.
Take the time and empower yourself to actually go out side. Smell the air, walk barefoot, sing and dream.
From even the latest studies we know that being outdoors, singing and day dreaming are the three most powerful ways to get your brain to be more effective in it’s cognitive processes. By redirecting your attention the brain will allow thoughts to move from the improbable to the possible. When this happens you open up the possibility of finding the answers to what you were seeking earlier. It also disrupts depression or anxiety that can lead to burnout.
So, now, go outside and play. Open yourself up to exploring new places (like the new little boutique you keep meaning to stop at), singing and experience nature, whether it is your own backyard or down the path to somewhere you have never explored. Come Monday when sitting back at your desk you will be thankful you did. I guarantee your thinking will now be filled with possibilities.
Yes, the year is in full swing and you should be too, but don’t forget to play along the way.
From one soul sister to another,
Barbara H.