COACHING: Accomplish more than you thought possible.

To this day the person who made the biggest impact on my life was my father. He was a true coach and mentor. His style was simple yet powerful in the way he always engage in really listening to what I had to say. Giving critical feedback, implementing possibilities not yet recognize and then sending me out to accomplish my goals.

He knew I was born with a reading disability, yet he always encouraged me to improve where I could, be proud of who I truly was and take my assets to the next level. Yes, there were set backs, things not accomplished the way others thought they should be. Through his mentorship I learned a little bit about picking myself and brushing myself off. However, these first lessons were learned when I fell off a horse, or was crushed under the weight of a cow when it backed me up against the fence.  At the age of 13 my father insisted that I learn the game of golf. I found it to be a love hate relationship. The game itself was fun, but the physical and mental pressure to improve your score was difficult.

To improve, one must master the physical game along with the mental attributes. Being out on the golf course with my father he took every opportunity to coach, encourage me and even got in my face at time or two. As a great father he helped me through understanding that any goal worth pursuing is worth the work to get there. During our rounds of golf, he consistently mentored me in the game of life using golf as an example. He would say things like:

Everyone out here has some form of weakness just like you. Find your own strong points and gain the advantage from where you come from.

Mentally you will be challenged. Learn to strengthen this muscle. But remember, to always take a break or step back to gain perspective. Do not wait too long for if you procrastinate you will loose.

Listen to your heart, it will keep you balanced when your sense of right and wrong, your ethical true north is challenged.

It was not until my adult life started to unfold that I totally understood why my father instilled in me that I can accomplish more than my initial thinking allows me.  You just need to start.

True to form, hiring a coach to mentor you through accomplishing your goals is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Listening, accountability, focus, and celebrating your wins is what its all about.

Just as in the world of sports every aspiring athlete benefits from coaching, so people are realising that the decision to work with a life or business coach indicates an inner commitment to expanding your comfort zone and choosing to create your own goals in life or career.

If you would like to experience the exciting, challenging and fulfilling coaching process, please contact me for your free coaching session.


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